Sunday, 25 September 2011

I love the poem below written by a visitor to Bluefolds in April. She has summed up perfectly for me what a holiday at Bluefolds can be like. It is called:

Look Through the Window

View to Cairngorm mountains
Look through the window
What do you see
The beautiful Country
A Fest for the eye

Look at the sky
What do you see
The stars shining bright
A moon that is full

Look at the ground
What do you see
The peat for the Whisky
A land full of hope
Black faced lambs in the field

Look at the pastures
What do you see
Sheep that are grazing
Lambs at their side

Look at the mountains
What do you see
Snow in the distance
On top of the world

Look at the weather
What do you see
Watching the weather over the distillery
A moment of sunshine
The clouds come and go

I've seen through the window
A glimpse to admire
Time stood still
At Bluefolds for a while

 Ann O'Donel

14 April 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Summer around Elgin

The weather has certainly been a mixed bag this summer where ever I have been in Scotland. It has been a challenge to get out and take photos in sunshine showing the beauty of the area. During August, I was called to be a Juror at the Sheriff Court in Elgin. In the end after listening to an afternoon of evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service decided there was no case to answer and the Jury was dismissed. I took the opportunity to go around Elgin Cathedral, Biblical Garden and to visit the Cygnets in Cooper Park on a lovely day when I had thought to be in doors listening intently to witnesses! More Photos of a day around Elgin

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Days Out from Bluefolds Holiday Cottages in May

April and May have been beautiful months with lots of sunshine and in April lovely warm weather. It has been cooler in May, but still with lots of sunshine. I have taken every opportunity to get out and take photographs around the local area. After a trip to the Braes of Glenlivet where the Braeval distillery was looking very smart and hard at work distilling whisky, I took a walk along part of the River Livet looking out for wild flowers. Later I took a trip across the River Spey at Marypark and along the back road to Grantown on Spey before heading for Boat of Garten to the RSPB reserve to see EJ the Osprey sitting on her 3 eggs. I plan to go back later and see her when the chicks are hatched which will be any day now. View photographs from this trip at:

Monday, 28 February 2011

Glenlivet in Spring and Early Summer

Glenlivet in Spring and early Summer
The crocus are pushing their heads up and I can see hints of yellow which is good as last year at this time the land was buried in feet of snow! Our local farmer is ploughing his field ready to put in the barley and has already completed one field. The seagulls have come in land for this chance of some extra food.
Farmer ploughing followed by seagulls

End of February

The lighthouse, Lossiemouth West beach
 Have had some lovely walks during February as the weather on the whole has been sunny and some days even warm, certainly for the time of year. Can hardly believe that it is possible to get washing dried outside! Went to visit a bird hide on the edge of  Spynie Loch near the Bishop's Palace at Spynie and close to Lossiemouth on a misty day.  The lighting at this time of  year is always interesting. The tornado pilots based at RAF Lossiemouth use the lighthouse to line up on the runway!
One of the swans after food
The loch is a great place to watch swans, ducks and even otters. There are lots of bird feeders and we often see red squirrels as well as blue tits, coal tits, but not on this occasion.  Took the floating duck food with me, but only a couple of swans were hungry and came to try it.

The following day we took a drive up to the Lecht ski area and arrived late afternoon as a snow storm was  arriving making for some moody skies.When we stopped to watch the skiers the mist had come down and it was good they were wearing colourful jackets so we could still see them. The wind was very cold, but the snow that came in the evening made for good sking the next day. The weather has changed over the last few days and the snow is fast disappearing.

Moody skies near the Lecht Ski resort

Learning the ropes at the Lecht!

Skiers at the Lecht disappearing into the mist

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Winter in Glenlivet

Thomas Telford bridge over the river Spey at Craigellachie

Walking on the Speyside Way near Craigellachie
Holidaymakers enjoyed the snow and sunshine in Glenlivet and Cairngorms over Christmas and New Year. The Lecht and Cairngorm ski resorts were very busy. The visitors to our cottages had to walk up the hill except for the lucky ones with 4 wheel drive! Since the New Year the snow and ice has gradually melted and the last few days have been warm, but there is a lot of winter left!
Watching the sun go down at Lossiemouth east beach

Lossiemouth east beach with view to Spey Bay

Blairfindy castle close to the Glenlivet distillery
Ducks on frozen pond at Cooper Park, Elgin